Airlink Sensor

Particle Counts - Outdoor

 PM Size  1 min  1 hr avg  3 hr avg  24 hr avg  Nowcast
1 - µg/m3   - - - -
2.5 - µg/m3 - µg/m3 - µg/m3 - µg/m3 - µg/m3
10 - µg/m3 - µg/m3 - µg/m3 - µg/m3 - µg/m3

Air Quality Index - Outdoor

 PM Size  1 min  1 hr avg  3 hr avg  24 hr avg  Nowcast
2.5 - µg/m3 - µg/m3 - µg/m3 - µg/m3 - µg/m3
10 - µg/m3 - µg/m3 - µg/m3 - µg/m3 - µg/m3

Air Quality Index Confidence (%) - Outdoor

 PM Size  1 hr avg  3 hr avg  24 hr avg  Nowcast
1, 2.5 and 10 - - - - -

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